Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just a 'Lil Thought Goes a Long Ways

     You know, I just have to say that it feels so good to be loved the way I am.  From the kids, my parents, siblings, and extended family to my absolutely best friend and love of my life...I am blessed far beyond what words could ever begin to describe.  My heart swells up when I think of all of the blessings I've been given and the fact that I am surrounded by people who love me for who I am.  Every day is a new adventure in our lives, and I'm never afraid of what may come anymore.  It's such an incredible feeling knowing that finally I have somebody who has my back no matter what.  I can be myself, he can be himself, and together we can all be a family full of love and laughter.  I watch as they wrestle, or we snuggle, or we all run around together and I thank God for the gifts that He's given to me.  Gifts I never ever thought I would be able to experience.  But, by God's ever present grace, I am blessed enough to get to.
     This Valentines Day (well, all through February so far) Sean has done his 14 nights of movies for me.  Each day, there is a sweet card he writes a clue in, and I have to guess the romantic movie we are going to watch.  In each note, he tells me some pretty incredibly sweet things.  Every day I'm blown away by his thoughtfulness and willingness to do this for me.  He could be like a lot of people and not think twice about it...or on Valentine's Day go "Oh crap...better order flowers!".  Or run to the jewelry store and pick up a meaningless pair of earrings.  I wouldn't complain, if it was some random day of the year, but that's not how I would want to celebrate Valentine's Day.  It should be Valentines Day every day...not just one day a year.  Thankfully, he knows me so well.  He has bought me fresh flowers every single week since we met...I've not gone without fresh flowers for well over a year now.  And according to him, I never will.  And I believe him.  Trust me, I'm not saying he shows me love by buying me gifts.  That's not the point at all.  The point is, is that he takes the time to show me he loves me by doing things for me that requires him to think.  Time that I know he could be doing a million other things.  He does things that take time and effort...not something that just requires him to pick up the phone and tell the flower people how much he wants to spend and give them his credit card number.  Every single day, he shows me his love for me, and for our family.  It's nothing for him to do the laundry, fix supper and do the dishes so I can do homework.  He will fix me a lunch to take to work if I'm working through my lunch hour.  He will stop by and bring me a coke and something to eat at work for a surprise.  Anything I need, he is there.  That is love to me.
     So I could really go on and on.  As I'm surrounded by all the crazy "it looks like Valentine's Day puked in Walmart" gimmicky gifts, I just want to say to take the time to do something meaningful.  Put some creativity in it...some thought into something for you significant other.  It doesn't matter where you are right now in your relationship...I promise it will make it so much better!   

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