Friday, September 6, 2013

From the Yellow House...

Hey y'all! Hope your weekend is off to a nice start! We here at the yellow house have been busy with the goings on of 6th and 3rd grade, work, and recovery from surgery. And mama is just busy with it all! The big hubbub around these parts is that the sweet husband has had to go through another (his second) shoulder surgery in just over 6 months. And y'all, it's on the same shoulder. He's a real trooper. And unlike this chick, he has managed to still look so danged cute through it all. Figures.
     During the last couple of days I've spent taking care of him, I've had some time to think. Not that I've had a lot of down time, mind you. He IS down to one arm. Try to go to the bathroom with one arm all tied up, and you'll see where I've been needed the last couple of days. I'm a good wife, but I digress... Something that I've been thinking about lately-really it's something that I make a priority-is my marriage. Albeit, we've been married just over a year, but we have faced some unique challenges in our short time married. We also came into our relationship with a background of struggles that have made us who we are, and have given us a starting point from which to base our standards off of. Funny how, at the time we were going through those times, we never thought of them like that. While we can both say that we work to make sure we both experience the butterfly feelings and goosebumps regularly, real life does rear its ugly head and show us who's boss now and again. And with the sweet husband's surgery, it has definitely tried to do just that. But. Instead of giving in to the inevitable stress that this physical issue has brought, I've learned a lot from it. It has been a year now since my sweet husband was injured at work. Long story short...he hurt his leg, took care of business, and went back to work. Fast forward a couple of months and he noticed that his shoulder had been especially stiff and sore. Nothing we tried had worked, so off to the doc he went. Nothing she tried worked, and off to the shoulder doc he went. All the recommendations and physical therapy in the world couldn't cure the torn stuff up in his shoulder. Figuring all of this out took a while, y'all. So off to the operating room he went. But that didn't work. For the last 6 months, he has struggled with constant pain, lack of sleep, frustration, side effects of constant medication, and everything else that you can possibly imagine. It took its toll on him, and on all of us.
I'm not gonna lie here. Some days, he frustrated the living hell outta me. It was hard to maintain the happy wife face while he was suffering. I took it personally when he lashed out from not feeling well. But the next day he would be back to normal. Talk about adding insult to injury (get it??). Looking back over the last year, I can see that we have grown so much closer through this trying period than through the happy, lovey-dovey days that we have. Don't get me wrong, I adore those days...we have plenty of 'em. He is one of the most romantic men out there. But for seeing him at his most vulnerable, doing what I can to make him the most comfortable, being able to care for him and honor him with complete love, I can honestly say that I feel closer to him than ever. Isn't that ultimately what I should be doing anyway? In sickness AND in health? Making sure everything I do brings him ultimate comfort, care, and love? Showing him my love by treating him gently and kindly? Hmm. Something to think about.
Now, this isn't gonna be easy. He will still frustrate the hell outta me. I'm not innocent either, although I know I've gotta be easy-peasy to get along with! Speaking of...sounds like "somebody" needs their pants tied up. Wonder what he would do if I tied them in a double knot next time?? All my best... ~Jennifer (don't forget to follow this blog!!)

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